Thursday, July 26, 2018

Mission Impossible: Fallout

After a risky mission to recover three nuclear bombs goes awry, Ethan Hunt and his IMF team work together with CIA assassin August Walker in order to prevent the bombs getting into the hands of a group of terrorists known as the Apostles, led by arms dealer John Lark, who plan on using the bombs in a coordinated attack on the Vatican, Jerusalem, and Mecca.

Usually when a series reaches its fifth, or in this case sixth, installment, it's easy to tell when the creative juices are beginning to run out, and should probably call it quits. Thankfully that's not the case with the Mission Impossible series. In fact, it seems to do the opposite and get better with age. I think I'd go so far to even say that MI: Fallout is the best in the franchise, beating my previous personal favorite, Ghost Protocol, in terms of both thrilling action sequences and engaging (though somewhat predictable) story. As much as I love the Fast and the Furious franchise, it should take notes from Mission Impossible on how to ramp up the action without getting too outrageous every installment, while still having an engaging story and characters. It was great seeing Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, and even Michelle Monaghan back in their respective roles. It's also still impressive to me that Tom Cruise still does his own stunts, and how much dedication he puts into his roles. He may not be the overall greatest actor ever, but it's hard to deny that he's one of the most fun to watch onscreen.

Really, the only downside I could see was that the story, while engaging and extremely fun, was kind of predictable in its plot twists. Granted, this series isn't known for Hitchcock-level twists, but it would have been nice to not see the big reveal coming halfway through the movie before it happened onscreen.

Still, I had a lot of fun with Fallout, and hope that the Mission Impossible franchise continues for at least one or two more movies if they can keep up the same level of greatness.

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