Sunday, August 23, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

In the bleak and dry dystopian desert of Australia, things like water and fuel are more precious than even diamonds or gold. Control water and fuel, and you can control the masses. Immortan Joe built an empire by accomplishing this. In a stone citadel he hoards water, only letting his people receive a small portion per day. The fuel he steals from other clans during raiding missions, using it to power his war machines. During one such raid, Immortan Joe is betrayed by one of his generals from his makeshift army named Imperator Furiosa. Furiosa escapes with several of Immortan Joe's concubines, and attempts to flee across the Australian wasteland in search of a place rumored to be green with life. Along the way Furiosa comes across a lone drifter named Max, who helps them escape from Immortan Joe and his army. 

I'm just going to come right out and say it - Mad Max: Fury Road has earned a spot on my top 5 worst movies to come out this year. About 20 minutes in I was very seriously considering walking out of the theater - and I probably should have - but I decided to finish it and give it a chance. I waited to see it until it was at the local dollar theater, and even then I thought it was a waste of money. There aren't very many movies that make me feel that strongly. There was barely any story to tell, the acting all around sucked, and even Mad Max who was supposed to be the main character was barely in the movie. I was excited to see it beforehand due to all the hype from friends and other people who had seen it and loved it, as well as the fact that I had seen the first Mad Max with Mel Gibson and enjoyed it. Unfortunately, Fury Road was nowhere near worth it. For the people who are adrenaline junkies and love movies with literally nonstop action from start to finish, then I guess you would actually like it. For the rest of you, it's better if you skip it. It's not even worth a rental in my opinion.

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