Sunday, October 29, 2023

Isle of Dogs


Set in the fictional Japanese city of Megasaki, Mayor Kenji Kobayashi has decreed that all dogs that fall under a mysterious canine flu-like sickness must be exiled to an offshore site called Trash Island. One such canine that contracts the sickness is named Spots, whose master happens to be a young boy named Atari, the adopted nephew of Mayor Kenji Kobayashi. Atari attempts to find Spots by escaping the confines of his uncle's residence, and making his way to Trash Island in order to look for his lost pet. Along the way Atari meets up with five other dogs stranded on the island - Chief, Rex, King, Boss, and Duke. The group of dogs work together with Atari in order to find out the fate of Spots on Trash Island, all while avoiding Atari's uncle, as well as murderous mangy dogs also trapped on the island.

Isle of Dogs is my third attempt at watching something directed by Wes Anderson. The first one was Moonrise Kingdom, and the second was Fantastic Mr. Fox. The quirky, sarcastic, quick-witted and dry style of humor is very hit-or-miss with me. Most of the time, I'd say I do enjoy it. I do kind of wish I knew what it was exactly that makes it a success for me, and what misses the mark. For instance, I saw Moonrise Kingdom, and thought it was kind of funny in places, but I didn't think it was as good as some of my friends and other people who had recommended it to me made it out to be. Fantastic Mr. Fox on the other hand, I thought was a hilarious movie. Good thing too, as I went ahead and bought it first before ever watching it by going off the recommendation of some family and friends who loved it. Isle of Dogs falls somewhat in the middle of the road for me. I loved the story, I thought it was a well crafted story filled with many great characters throughout. I loved seeing the evolution of the friendship between Atari and each of the dogs helping him find Spots. The humor was the part that was hit-or-miss. There were times where I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard, and others where I was just like "I don't get it..." Overall though, I would definitely see it again, and will probably be getting it on DVD/Blu-Ray soon.

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